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Class Panda - w/c 25th September 2017

Date Posted : 02/10/2017

This week we have read stories around growing up.  We have talked about how we change as we grow older and named the stages of human life. We dressed up in clothes that were too big for us and shouted "you'll soon grow into them!"  We sorted objects that babies and children use and made two posters of our work. The Year Ones have begun to practise drawing faces for their self portrait, we used the iPad to zoom in on our faces and look closely at our noses, eyes, ears and mouths. On Tuesdays we enjoy our Year One friends from Mrs Eason's visiting to share our play, it is great to play with new and old friends, this week we had snack outdoors.  We have been busy challenging ourselves to try different and more complex activities around the class. Our model making, designs and crafts are showing how we are getting more confident with our motor skills (cutting, drawing, shaping etc).  Outside, we have been jumping, kicking balls, skipping and running.  In maths Reception have been counting and concentrating on forming numbers correctly in the air with cheerleader pom-poms. Year Ones have been outdoors with their maths, adding and counting back from 20. We are very excited in our new outdoor storage cupboards which will house the building bricks and dressing up, the children will be able to help themselves for play and tidy up more easily.  In phonics Reception  have been learning the next set of letters and sounds by role playing a marching band and an aeroplane flying.