PARENTS VIEWS Our daughter has absolutely loved school this year. I’m really pleased with this report and it’s good to see and hear that she has been working hard. I’m hoping this hard work will continue into next year
PARENTS VIEWS Thank you for all you have done for our son this year, he has had a great year. I am really pleased with his progress and his effort.
PARENTS VIEWS We are really proud of how much our daughter has thrived this year, she has thoroughly enjoyed the whole year and honestly loves going to school each day, so thank you! We hope this continues next year!
PARENTS VIEWS Our daughter has absolutely loved school this year. I’m really pleased with this report and it’s good to see and hear that she has been working hard. I’m hoping this hard work will continue into next year
Class Koala
We are Class Koala and we are Year 1 and Year 2. Our Class Teacher is Mrs Eason and Mrs Hobson.
The Teaching Assistants in Class Koala are Miss Auckland and Ms Robinson.