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Starting at Cumberworth School

Applying for a place at Cumberworth First School

 Here are some frequently asked questions about applying for a school place.
Q. When do I need to register my child for primary school – Reception year group?
A.Children need to be registered for school between 1st September and 15th January of the year they are due to start school. As an example children born between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021 must be registered between 1st September 2024 and 15th January 2025.
Q. How do I apply for a place at Cumberworth or another primary school in Kirklees?
A. You need to apply online at
Q. What happens if I don’t register on time?
A. If you apply late, your application will not be considered until all on time applicants have been allocated school places. Applying late can severely reduce your chances of getting a school place at any of your preferred schools.
Q. Do I need to complete any other forms once I have registered online?
A. Cumberworth CE (A) First School is a church school and if you wish to declare a Christian commitment to support your application you should complete a Supplementary Information Form (SIF) and return it directly to us at school. This form can be found under the SIF button on this webpage.
Q. How are places allocated at Cumberworth First School?
A. Places are allocated in accordance with our Admissions Policy. This form can be found under the Admissions Policy button on this webpage.
Q. When will I find out which school my child has been allocated a place at?
A. National Offer Day for Primary School places – Reception year group – is 16 April 2025. Offers of a school place are sent by email on National Offer Day to the email address you have used for your application. You will also be able to see your offer of a school place by logging into your Kirklees Parent Portal.
Q. If my child has been allocated a place at Cumberworth what will happen next?
A. We will be in touch with you by email within a few days of National Offer Day. For more information please see the ‘My Child has a place to start at Cumberworth’ section on this page.
Q. How do I make an application for a place at Cumberworth First School in the middle of the school year or into a year group other than Reception?
A. Our governing body manage in year applications. Parents/carers seeking to transfer a child to the school either at the beginning of an academic year or during the school year must now apply via the Kirklees Parent Portal for a school place and paper applications are no longer accepted. The Kirklees Parent Portal can be accessed via this link . Following receipt Governors will inform parents/carers within 15 school days whether or not a place has been offered.
Where more applications are received than places available the over-subscription criteria will be used to support the decision. Please refer to our Admissions policy. This can be found under the Admissions Policy button on this webpage.
If your application is unsuccessful then you have the right to appeal. Parents who intend to make an appeal against the Governing Board’s decision to refuse admission must submit a notice of appeal in writing within 20 days of receiving the offer letter to: The Independent Appeals Clerk, Church of England Voluntary Aided Schools & Academies by phone or email 07949 707868 or
Please note the right of appeal against the governors’ decision does not to prevent you from making an appeal in respect of any other school.

My Child Has a Place to start at Cumberworth

Once a child has been allocated a place in Reception at Cumberworth First School here are some of the frequently asked questions from new parents:
Q. What do you need to know about my child’s pre-school setting?
A. In our first letter to you we will ask you to give us information about your child’s pre-school setting. As a minimum we will need the name and contact details for the setting and the days and times your child attends. Please provide this information as soon as possible after it is requested.
Q. Why do you need information about my child’s pre-school setting?
A. The Reception class teacher will try to visit all the new starters in their home setting prior to them joining us for their first visit (see below). She will meet, and join in some activities with, the children, and talk to you about your child.
Q. How will parents find out more about school life and routines?
A. Parents will be invited to attend a meeting in school – usually just before the Spring Bank holiday or early June. This meeting is for parents / carers only not the children. We will give you lots of information and answer any questions you have at this meeting.
Q. Will my child be offered a chance to visit school and his / her new class before he/ she starts in September?
A. The children will usually be invited to visit for some afternoon sessions although things have been a little different due to Covid restrictions for the past couple of years. There may also be the option of a taster session in Sunshine Club and you will need to let the office know if you are taking up that offer. For more information about Sunshine Club click HERE.
Q. Which door do we use for the visits?
A. You should bring your child to reception for their visit.  Staff will be waiting to greet you. You will collect your child from the same place and will use this in September too. If your child is doing the Sunshine Club ‘Taster session’ you will collect your child from the Sunshine Club door at the opposite end of the front playground to the main entrance.
Q. What should my child wear for their school visits?
A. The children visiting will be fine in their ‘normal’ clothes but please make sure they have sensible footwear as weather permitting they will be spending time outside in the Early Years area. Open toe sandals are not suitable for school. The children should bring a coat and may need a sun hat if it is warm.
Q. What is the school uniform and where can I buy it?
A. Our full uniform policy along with information about where to purchase school logo'd items if you wish can be found on our Policies Page.
Q. Does my child need a book bag?
A. We would recommend that you buy a book bag from school. They are just the right size to fit in our storage boxes during the day and are ideal for transporting letters, books, homework etc between school and home. They are available from the school office.
Q. Will there be a pattern of half days or a staggered start for my child in September?
A. The children will start full time when the new term begins in September.
Q: When our child starts full time school in September what time can we drop them off?
A: The school day starts at 9am and the doors open at 8.45am. Please don't arrive much before then unless your child is booked in Sunshine Club (7.30am - 9am) or has been invited to take part in our morning movement group (8.30 - 9am).
Q: What time should we collect our child from school when they have started in Reception?
A: 3.30pm. Reception and Year 1 pupils in Miss Houghland's class should be collected from round the back of school, just outside the Reception classroom. All other children should be collected from the front playground.
Q: How do we get a place in Sunshine Club?
A: At the new starters Parents’ Meeting you will be given a pack which includes a Sunshine Club booklet for the next academic year. Fill this in and return it to the school office as soon as possible to book your child into Sunshine Club. If you find you need to make alterations or book sessions at a later date please have a word with the office.
Q: What are the term dates? When can I book holidays?
A: Click HERE for term dates. Click HERE for our attendance policy. As a general rule holidays should not be taken in term time. You might be surprised how quickly the attendance of your child can drop, and the consequences this can have for their learning and development. If it is completely unavoidable talk to the Head Teacher before making a booking - but permission will only be granted in exceptional circumstances.
Q: How can I help get my child ready for school?
A: We have two guides for you. One provides information for you about what to do and how best to support you child as they start school and you can find this in the Parents Guide to Starting School section below. The second guide is for your children – it’s like a story book for you to read together and you can find this under the New Starters - Childrens Guide section below.
Q: I am unsure about something or need to talk about my child's education and wellbeing. Who should I talk to?
A: If you are unsure about letters sent home, payment for trips, clubs, etc or your child needs some medicine then Mrs Hill or Miss Chalkley (school office) are the people to speak to. Likewise they will be able to help with dates of forthcoming events, Sunshine Club and any admin related queries. If you need to discuss some aspect of your child's education, how they've settled in class or any questions about homework or reading books, please talk to your child's class teacher. If you have any more serious concerns then the person to talk to is the Head Teacher, along with your child's teacher (if it is a class based problem). REMEMBER the door is always open, we're here to make sure your child is as settled and as happy as possible!

Admissions Policy

Admissions Policy:

Our Admissions Policy can be found on our Policies page

Variation to Admissions Policy September 2021

During the COVID19 pandemic, churches and other religious buildings have been closed by law for public worship and for other uses. Since the school’s oversubscription criteria include church attendance, (at a specified frequency and period of time) parents and their children are unable to meet this criterion under the terms of our current admissions arrangements. We are therefore in the process of requesting a variation to our Admissions Policy as follows:

"In the event that during the period specified for attendance at worship the church has been closed for public worship and has not provided alternative premises for that worship, the requirements of these [admissions] arrangements in relation to attendance will only apply to the period when the church or alternative premises have been available for public worship".

Supplementary Information Form (SIF)

Supplementary Information Form (SIF):

Our SIF can be found on our Policies page

Parents Guide to Starting School

Parents Guide to Starting School (PDF):

New Starters - Childrens Guide

New Starters - Childrens Guide (PDF):