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Reading Challenge - EYFS & KS1

Date Posted : 05/04/2017

Unfortunately the Reception and KS1 reading challenge has come to an end. All of you have done really well! These are the children who have taken part...

Paige                  Blake                  Noah L               Noah M

Chiara                Daniel G            Kasper

Devlin                Erin                     Jack

Eli                        Emily M             Poppy

Willow               Millie                 Daisy

Rhys                    Freya M                      Alex

Catlin                 Evelyn                Emily S

Isabel B              Lily E                   Claudia

Daniel D            Mia                     Joey

Taylor                Chloe                 Harvey              


WELL DONE to all our readers and well done to Jasmine W and Eva for helping to run the challenge.

Watch out KS2 it’s your turn after Easter. Can you beat KS1?


Written by Rebecca D