About the Governing Body
Cumberworth First School governing body is central to the work of the school. As critical friends our governors help set the direction of the school and ensure that we do our very best for all the pupils in our care. To achieve this, they regularly visit school to evidence how it is doing. Our governors will have specific roles and be members of various sub-committees in addition to being part of the full governing body.
The number of members on a governing body varies from school to school, generally depending on the size of the school. The Instrument of Government of Cumberworth C E (A) First School states that the governing body should comprise of 14 members. Members are elected for a period of four years. A governing body is made up of several different categories of governor and the number of each category is stated in the Instrument of Government. The governing body of a Voluntary Aided (church) school such as Cumberworth is a combination of appointed and elected members.
Our Chair of Governors is Mrs Sarah Smith who can be contacted through school or by direct email to:
Our Governors
Sarah Smith - Co-opted Governor (Chair)
Lucy Wilks - Foundation Governor (Vice Chair)
Naomi Gott - Foundation Governor
Jonathan Lindley - Foundation Governor
Amy Boucher - Foundation Governor
James Crow - Parent Governor
Dan Jones - Parent Governor
Linzi Millward - LA Governor
Fiona Claxton - Head Teacher
Carol Hill - Co-opted Governor
Jennifer Eason - Staff Governor
2 x Foundation Governor